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Translational Imaging

The Translational Imaging Laboratory is led by Marc Kaufman, Ph.D. and its 9.4 Tesla animal scanner is located in a separate facility about 200 yards from the McLean Imaging Center. The scanner is used for studies in nonhuman primates, rats, mice, and other animal species. The scanner is actively shielded (minimal fringe magnetic field outside of the magnet bore) and has 2 radiofrequency (RF) transmit and 4 receive channels. It is equipped with 3 gradient/shim sets that support ultra-high resolution structural imaging, functional imaging (fMRI), and multinuclear chemical imaging including proton (1H), phosphorus (31P), fluorine (19F), and carbon (13C) spectroscopy studies. Anesthesia equipment is available for studies requiring anesthesia. Customized equipment supporting a wide range of research requirements is available or can be designed and built on site by the Biomedical Engineering Laboratory.